Coffee with Marie Carter-Dubois, Associate Vice Chancellor, Academic Affairs, Finance & Administration
I invite you to chat during my bi-monthly "Coffee with Marie" open-hour session. This is a dedicated time where anyone can schedule time for an informal chat, share ideas, or voice concerns.
ESR Support & Escalation Guide
Primarily designed for transactors, the guide is a high-level starting point to find assistance for ESR systems. Using a tiered system, the links provide a gateway to resources, support tickets, escalation contacts, and enhancement requests.
Budget & Financial Management
The Budget and Financial Management Unit is responsible for managing the Academic Affairs operating budget which includes the allocation of permanent and temporary funds from a variety of funding sources.
EVC Area Staff HR
The EVC Area Staff HR Unit provides communication and guidance regarding policies and procedures impacting units and staff as well as implementing training programs and resources in support of organizational development.
EVC Business Office
The EVC Business Office (EVCBO) supports operational functions and provides general business and related administrative services for several units and campus community centers within VC Academic Affairs and VC Equity, Diversity & Inclusion.
Space Planning & Facilities
The Space Planning & Facilities Unit provides assistance and expertise to all units developing short and long-term strategies related to the effective management of space and facility utilization. This unit also serves as a representative and liaison of the EVC in the planning, budgeting, designing, construction, and outfitting of facilities.
Faculty Housing Assistance Programs
The Faculty Housing Assistance Programs’ Unit provides guidance and assistance in support of the recruitment and retention of world-class, diverse faculty and senior leadership in obtaining convenient and affordable housing.
Academic Affairs Collaboration Policy
Academic Affairs encourages collaborative development of new campus-wide policies, business processes and tools that represent and serve faculty, staff and students in all divisions, departments and units. Through cooperative, collegial efforts, we are able to create a business framework that serves our collective goals.